Teaching and Learning

Teaching and Learning

At Edgecliff, we seek to create a consistent approach to each subject area from Kindergarten to Year Six, so that the taught curriculum is both thorough and enriching. Close attention is given to curriculum developments at College Street, to ensure that our boys make a smooth transition to the next phase of their education.

Our focus lies in the development of the whole boy, who is given ample opportunities to explore and pursue his own academic interests during his time here. In conjunction with the core subjects, the study of Music, Science and Technology, Spanish, Visual Arts, P.E. and Drama allows boys to develop passions across a wide field. Teachers attempt to model and encourage their pupils to value and nurture attributes such as tolerance, respect and empathy, and look to weave these important pillars of a humane education into their programmes.

An important goal of the education we offer is to engage boys in learning, by fostering their creativity and critical thinking. We want them to relate their acquired knowledge and understanding to their own lives and the world around them, developing opinions and respectfully acknowledging other perspectives.